Quentin Gray
Bill Knight, Assailant

Quentin Gray is an experienced actor and has been in a number of films such as Marshall, The First Purge, Crown Vic, and Bashira.
In addition, Quentin has been in numerous stage productions such as Curtains, The Curious Savage, and A Midsummer Night's Dream.
This will be his fourth play with Inclusive Theater of WNY. other productions include: A Festival Of Shorts, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and the 2nd Annual Festival of Shorts: Stigma.
Quentin is currently working on the film "Twisted Heaven", directed by Emily Wu and is playing a supporting role of the upcoming film "Route 24", directed by Romiti Akanbi.
"I just want to thank Chris for giving me this opportunity. And I'm just happy to get back and to doing what I love"